Me, Don Quxote!

The Birth of Don Quixote



For Dulcinea del Tobozo I

For Dulcinea del Tobozo II

A Battle of Minds



The Sword


The Fight!


Miguel de Cervantes' Don Quixote is a timeless masterpiece of world literature, published in 1605 and 1615 at the end of the age of chivalric romances. Its protagonist, Alonso Quixano, becomes so immersed in the ideals of knighthood that he imagines himself a knight-errant, adopting the name Don Quixote. Accompanied by his squire, Sancho Panza, he sets out to save the world and perform heroic deeds. However, their adventures often take a comical turn, as Don Quixote is unable to distinguish reality from fantasy—his most famous scene being the battle against windmills, which he perceives as giants. Cervantes’ novel is not only a satire of contemporary chivalric romances but also addresses the eternal struggle between reality and human idealism. Through the character of Don Quixote, it reflects on the unattainability of human aspirations and ideals that haunt us all. The work is both humorous and deeply thought-provoking, balancing on the boundary between reality and imagination, while revealing the weaknesses and greatness of human nature. In the modern world, the figure of Don Quixote takes on new interpretations. The digital realm, social media, and virtual reality create similar illusions, where people present idealized versions of themselves. Just as Don Quixote misinterpreted the world around him, the presence of individuals in the online sphere often diverges from reality. The disconnection between social media realities and actual life, along with the relentless pursuit of maintaining a perfect self-image, imposes significant psychological burdens on people, who desperately try to meet societal expectations. The superficiality of virtual connections and the echo chambers of information threaten the deepening of genuine social relationships, much like the distortions in Don Quixote’s own world. Immersion in the online world, constant comparisons with others, and the craving for validation breed anxiety, self-esteem issues, and alienation. Cervantes’ book remains relevant today as it sheds light on the mental struggle individuals face due to the gap between idealized self-perception and reality. Video games and virtual reality provide similar escape routes as those sought by Don Quixote in the world of chivalric tales. However, these illusions offer only temporary refuge and cannot replace confronting real-life challenges. We are all Don Quixotes, captives of our own dreams and illusions, seeking balance in the face of modern challenges. The digital world offers opportunities to experiment with new identities, but it also demands that we recognize the difference between reality and imagination. Achieving true happiness and mental well-being requires us to find harmony between the virtual realm and real life. Don Quixote’s story reminds us that while our dreams and aspirations are essential, we must remain grounded in reality to achieve true fulfillment. Just as he fought for his ideal world, we must find balance in the modern age, avoiding the traps of illusions and preserving our authenticity amid the challenges of the digital era.